Learn more about the impact oF the Lab on People’s Lives
As a community-led fund, The Giving Lab is bound to have an impact through the projects it funds. But over the years that this programme has been running, we’ve come to learn it’s about so much more than that. More than just a funding model, what sets The Giving Lab apart is its bespoke support, which has shown to have a transformational effect on the lives of the people involved, as well as the wider community. Traditional impact measurements don’t always provide space to communicate the nuance of what genuine impact looks like, and we’re looking to change that: Welcome to the stories that tell how The Giving Lab has changed mindsets, outlooks, and lives - including our own.
On Wednesday October 16th, The Giving Lab community hosted an interactive wellbeing event, gathering funders, organisations and Giving Lab grantees to take a deep dive into how we fund community wellbeing initiatives. And what a joy it was!
Celebrating creativity is at the heart of our innovation work, and as such, we’re lucky enough to celebrate some in-house talent! Today, our Community Innovation & Partnerships Manager Daniel Morris shares the story of his experience with The Giving Lab in verse.
The journey of co-designing The Giving Lab has been full of learnings and reflections. Strategic Lead of The Giving Lab Saboohi Bukhari shares a moment from the process that shifted her perspective significantly in order to truly centre the community in the work.
A reflection by John Whelan, part of The Giving Lab’s Community Outreach and Engagement, on how the model of TGL breaks down traditional barriers in funding and has the potential to truly democratise funding by centring care and responsiveness.
As a facilitator and core member of The Giving Lab team, Nairat Ali reflects on her role within the community-led programme: How does a facilitator accommodate their sessions to different needs, when people are at varying stages of their understanding of funding processes?
As the appointed Learning Partner for The Giving Lab, Yu-Shan from The Social Investment Consultancy has been part of the team since the start of the process. Her first workshop with the community left a deep impression and changed how she chose to show up in the TGL spaces.