Welcoming our new Non-Executive Directors
Following the launch of our new strategy in June 2023, we’ve been taking a critical look at how we deliver a governance model that reflects our ambition for reimagining a fair society. We recognise that to make society fairer we must continue to centre the people who have experienced social issues first-hand, as well as groups that are likely to be disproportionally affected, and focus on issues that reinforce or create inequalities and injustice.
“The recognition of the complexity of social change and our desire to enhance our accountability to our clients, staff and the communities we work with has been a key driver for the development of our Board”. Mercy Shibemba, Chair.
We are delighted to welcome five new non-executive members; Audrey Clavedon, Gurjinder Dhaliwal, Steve Haines, David Parry and Sheila Ruiz, who bring a wealth of lived experience, professional expertise and a passion for supporting TSIP to ensure that people and organisations have the knowledge, access and power they need to drive positive change in the places they choose and the issues that affect them.
Meet our new Non-Executive Directors.